četrtek, maj 24, 2007



This post is written in English because of a theme I am talking about.
Last week my boss told me that company where I am working is searching a man to go to Shanghai for at least 2 years. He said that he proposed me because I am a perpective employee.
They offered me a really good job where I would contact China local companies and try to get a deal that they would work for us. They would produce low cost components for Gorenje's house machines which we are producing over here at Slovenia.
I would work in a small team. In this team there are already 5 persons (boss, 2 Slovenian girls that translate our language to Chinese language, 1 Filippine guy who is responsible for colecting, getting and sending test samples to Slovenia and one Chinese girl whos job is translation from English to Chinese language). My job would be very dinamic, I would travel a lot across China to visit those companies that are good enough and that are prepared to work for us.
They also offered me quite big amount of money if I would go over there and they also promised they would give me better job than I have now when I would get back from China, that is after 2 years of living and working there.
There is always but…I have worries about my knowledge of English. It is true that I don't speak much English because I dont have much possibilities to do that…but in the other hand I can write good english and I also understand english if I am speaking with somene who speaks only English. That is why I am not so self-confident in my speaking English like I am in my technical skills. So, I guess I would improve my talking English if I would be pushed to situation where other languages are not understood.
And because of that reason I dont know what decision I will make.
Tomorrow I have final interview and to test myself I will ask my interviewers if we can talk in English to test me if my English skills are good enough. It they will say YES, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH I will accept their opinion and I will go. But if my English wont be good enough they will say themselfs that I cant go over there to China.

So, please, have your fingers crossed and wish me luck tomorrow.
If I will do okey, I will be the happiest person on the world.

Have a great time.
Picture of Shanghai from the Web

četrtek, maj 03, 2007

Olki, spet sm bil v Trž'ču...:)

Hehe, Olki ja, bil sem v unih tvojih koncih. S kolegom sva skočila na Dobrčo, vaš domači hibč'k. Zadeva ni (pre)visoka, a vendar precej zanimiva. Pot navzgor z Brezja je zanimiva, saj vseskozi poteka po gozdu in je zgledno urejena.
Mojo začetno zagnanost Bojan hitro ohladi, za kar sem mu kar hvaležen, saj me noge bolijo še od prejšnjega dne, ko sem rekordno hitro »skočil« na Uršljo goro (beri: prepolovil sem markirano časovnico).
Na vrh samo 15 minut za nama prispe starejša gospa in oba sva presenečena, da je tako hitra. Prehitela sva jo na začetku poti in nismo hodila počasi (uradna časovnica je 2h45min, midva sva prispela v 1h45min).
Skočiva še na razgledno točko, nato pa hitro do koče pojest ješprenj in nato v dolino. Kazalo je namreč, da bo se bo vreme zarotilo proti nama. Na srečo nama je prizaneslo.
P.S.: Kupujen nov fotoaparat. Naj kupim Canon eos 30D ali počakam na njegovega naslednika?
Na razgledni točki...

Andrej se je pustil celo fotografirati...:) V Odzadju Begunjščica in Stol s klobukom... Svišč...ena izmed prvih zaščitenih gorskih rožic pri nas
Bojan se vpisuje na vrhu hriba...
Na vrhu...

Razgledna točka...na skrajni desni se vidi začetek najdaljšega, 14km dolgega grebena pri nas (Košuta)